Online Courses

Learn Top Technologies in Regional Languages

We believe that learning and understanding things in the native language will bring the best from anyone and makes them master in the field without any doubt.

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About CodinGrad

Learn new skills when and where you like with us. We provide courses in regional languages

  • You can access 7900+ different courses from 600 professional trainers for free
  • Build Skills With Courses, Certificates, And Degrees Online
  • We give Opportunity to Reach Potential
  • Easy Online Learning Platform with 90% Course Completitation Rates
  • You can access 7900+ different courses from 600 professional trainers for free

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We at CodinGrad offers training in multiple regional languages. Please select the language below

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Top Platform Features

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World-Class Faculty

Learn from the accomplished teachers with an in-depth understanding of the subject.

Cutting Edge Curriculum

Educate yourself with the top-notch study material designed by the EXPERTS.

Live Classes

Learn concepts, practice questions & get your doubts cleared instantly in the LIVE Classes.

Student Discussion Forum

Get access to 24*7 Live Discussion group with batchmates & faculties.

Learn Anytime Anywhere

Learn at your own pace through our easy to navigate Responsive Website.

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Quiz & Assignments

Practice chapter-wise Quizzes & solve Assignments to learn and revise concepts.

Video Lectures

Learn through high-quality & easy to understand video lectures.


Get Important topics & formulas for last-minute revision in the PDF format.

Trusted Content

Learn from the comprehensive & interactive course content.

Affordable Fee Structure

Learn from the best in the industry with an affordable payment plan.

Online  Video lectures

Learn even when you are offline through our in-app video lectures.

Our Students Feedback

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labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

1. How many questions will I get access to?

Presently we have 250+ questions high-quality questions. We intend to keep our resource growing

2. How do I reach out for queries?

We are available via social media, website form, and email

3. How long does the subscription last?

One year

4. Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, we honor full refunds within 2 weeks of plan activation.


Contact Us

Mon – Fri : 8.00am – 6.00pm
112W 34th St, New York

Call : +91-876789096XX 

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